I got the following email today:
JOIN AARP Today and get free Travel Kit.
JOIN AARP Today and get free Travel Kit.
What is that about? I understand Junk email but since when am I old enough to be sent a AARP email. Can you say Sr. Citizen? NO WAY!!
My own husband realized that I was turning 44 this year and found himself in shock.
How old does this man think he is? He is no spring chicken either.
But back to the point.......I am just not old!
Do you think these people know that I just celebrated my 25th Class Reunion?
Yesterday, I went for a little skating party in our front foyer and hit the floor. My whole body hurts today. Allen does not know why........he says that I did not have to far too fall. ABUSE, ABUSE I tell you!
They are all against me. What's wrong with being in your 40's? I thought 40 was the new 30?
Someone should let AARP know that In Style Magazine says I am just hitting my 30's rather than needing AARP.
I know, maybe the people that sent the email about "40 and still hot" should let AARP know that
tidbit of information!