Saturday, March 22, 2008


It's almost here!!! Easter Sunday!!!!
Today I thought about the grief Mary (Jesus Mother) must have been feeling today. Did she know that her Son was very near? Did she stay at home and talked with no one? Did she take a walk on the streets and talk with friends?
There are a million other questions that could be asked of the mother who lost her son on Friday.
I am sure that she must have had to process all that she saw happen in the week proceeding her son's death.
Was she ready for all that she would experience on the 3rd day?
How are you preparing for Easter Sunday? Many are running all around town looking for the perfect outfit, preparing for the big Easter Sunday meal, or maybe making phone calls to friends.
In today's world I find that we spend no time preparing for Sunday and treat it just like any other day. The word tells us that we are to prepare our hearts.
What are you doing today to prepare your hearts? Are you spending some time in the word or in song? Are you spending your time yelling at your wife, husband or kids? Are you running around until you are exhausted and fall in bed?
May sure that you are preparing your heart for Resurrection Sunday.
As you celebrate this wonderful day, take time to reflect and thank the Father who came to this earth so that we could have life.

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