Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A New Tour of Duty

Last night I had a dream about 2 friends. My (and Allen's) friends are moving to Springfield, MO. soon to assume a new position and challenge in their ministry.
My dream involved many years of memories. My dream involved sitting in front of them in Chapel at CBC, to ministry with them when I was a Youth Pastor. Then our wedding (their daughter was our flower girl), visits to their house when I was single. Even when I was told that Allen was the man for me before I knew he was "the man". Finally, our trip to Springfield just a few months after we were married. I have no idea why I had this dream!!!
For the past 4 years our friends have been our ODC pastors. Now, they are leaving once again.
I woke up before my dream ended. I guess God knows the ending.
It is a New Tour of Duty for them in Springfield and I have some thoughts about that.
God wants to fit us perfectly in His plan, if we allow Him to do so.
Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God had already prepared, before the creation of the world, the "good works" that He wants us to do. He doesn't have to look around to see if He can find a job to fit our qualifications. All has been prepared for us.......we just have to walk worthy in His call.
I know that there are questions in all of our lives about God's plan but I do know that every step taken is the foundation to reach His ultimate plan for us. I think to all who know you can see that you have walked worthy and that God is revealing the next step in His plan.
Thank you Doug and Gail for your service to the Ohio District but most of all for your love and friendship all these years. We will miss you, eat some Cashew Chicken and great Mexican food for us!
And for simply selfish reasons.........We need you to stay in Springfield for at least 10 years so you can keep an eye on Brittney when she hits some A/G Campus in about 6 years. She could use a 2nd set of parents then!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey...thank you! Yes, we will gladly keep an eye on Brit...and she is always welcome to come and hang out!

Love you guys.

Doug and Gail

Mary Beth said...

And because of them, I met you!

Thanks for the comment on my blog. When I met you, Ashley and Weston were like 3 years old. NOW they are 19 and 20. How time flies.

I am so excited to see another a/g girl blogging. how did you find me?

Oh... there is an a/g blogring you can join. It is linked on my blog.

Unknown said...

Hey! Welcome to the ring. I haven't seen you before. Love your post as to the hymns. It makes me so sad that so many leaders are tossing out the treaures to be replaced with 7/11's.
You were probably at CBC when I was at EC.