Thursday, February 5, 2009

Age and other things that head south for the winter!!!

This past December, I turned 44 years old. Now you would think that is YOUNG, VIBRANT, AND FULL OF LIFE!!!! HUH!! Some days I think it's more like.....OLD, STUPID, and FORGETFUL!!!
What happens to the brain? Does it go south for the winter like the birds? Does it freeze like the -9 degree temps we have today in NE Ohio? OR does it just get stupid?
I find myself these days making lists and forgetting where I put the list, forgetting to save it on my computer, or just plain forgetting that I made a list. Isn't that a teenage disease also?
I look at the calendar and my household "TO DO" list and am overwhelmed.........what is going on?
I am really enjoying Facebook these days. It has been a wonderful thing to reconnect with friends from those CBC days. It brings back such good memories of when we were all young. Now, you guys all still look great but I wonder if your brain has checked out also? OR maybe it's just that I am old??? What do you think?