Thursday, March 12, 2009


I love teenagers!
Now, don't get me wrong, I live in the real world and every once in a while have issues with my pre-teen but generally, I love teenagers.
Why? I know, you think I am crazy. No, not crazy....I just think the are part of our society that people take for granted and just think they are a bunch of hormonal, irrational, crazy kids running around. They are all of those things and so much more.
Every Wednesday night, our church halls echo with teens running and yelling. What?!?!?! Do they not understand that this is God's house and we are suppose to be quiet?
Then (at least in our church) we have the challenge of trying to teach a bible study over the incredibly loud music they are playing. If that is not enough they have to yell and scream in the sanctuary for their youth service.
Believe it our not, all these things are actually good things.
I am the Student Liasion for Chardon BOE and have interaction with teens a few times a week. There is a whole lot of energy in the halls of any High School in America.
Teens bring life to your church and community. They need adults to let them know that we are truly interested in them and WHO they are and not there to pass judgement. They help you as a parent to keep you young. They challenge your thinking and you should challenge theirs.
I have some very special teens in my life that I find enrich my life because of who they are.
So this blog is dedicated to some of my favorite teens: Katlin, Meghan, Tori, Brittany, Dave, Jim, and Hannah. Thanks for being a teen and braining joy and a little crazy to my life !

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