Monday, April 14, 2008

School Board in the Boardroom

This past November I was voted, by my community, to hold a seat on the Chardon Board of Education. I have been involved with the Chardon Schools for the past 18+ years in various ways and had attended board meetings on a regular basis.
Today is Board Meeting # 4. It has been an good 4 months. We have had a hard decision to make in the past few months. Besides that one event, things have been pretty quiet.
The #1 question everyone asks me is: "Is it what you expected?" The easy answer is yes. There really have been no surprises yet.
I am mind full with every decision and discussion that we do can have an effect on people's lives. I am thankful for a Superintendent who seems to have not forgotten what it's like to be a parent but still makes his decisions in a professional and educated manner.
On a side note: You might want to drop your Superintendent a card or short note. Let him or her know that you are praying for them as they work with your local district. They deserve our prayers and could also use the encouragement.
I work with a board of people who have different views on any given issue.
On the board, my portfolio consists of Student Liaison. Each month I do a small presentation of our students accomplishments. This month, I was very proud to be a part of a district that has such pride.
The district's motto (so to speak) is: "A Legacy of Pride...A Future of Promise"
I truly believe that it is that pride that helps our students have a future of promise.
Speaking of Pride......Brittney won 1st place in Novice Baton Solo yesterday at the Pre-state competition. She was SOOOO excited! We are very proud of her and look forward to the State Competition in 2 weeks.

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