Monday, March 31, 2008

Opening Day

Oh Yes! I smell the hot dogs, pretzels, nachos, and most of all the sounds of BASEBALL. The crack of the bat, the crowd roaring, and the Indians going to the World Series.

Yes boys and girls.....I am a Tribe fan. I love baseball. I am one of those parents that hope my son play professional baseball someday and I can sit and watch him in my own box. You never know!!?!?!

Opening Day is always special. I have been to 2 myself and it always rains or snows and is SOOO cold. Even with the weather issues we have in NE Ohio, opening day is special.

Can you imagine what opening day will be like in heaven? I can't wait for that day either.

The celebration will be like nothing we have experienced here on earth.

Are you ready for opening day? If you are not, it's easy.

First, we must confess our sins.

Second, ask Jesus to come live in your heart.

It's that easy.

Don't miss out on opening day..........the days will be PRICELESS!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Women and Ministry

2 hot topics in one post. What was I thinking?

It's been an interesting week in the Northeast Section. Nothing bad happening, but a simple matter of "What to do with the women?" came up.

This coming Monday and Tuesday, we have a Pastor's Prayer Retreat. Last week the email came to remind the group about the retreat and the last paragraph was the "Sorry room in the inn for your can come and join us on Tuesday morning if you want to pray."

Now, I thought I would have a little fun with our Sectional Secretary and responded that it seems that the girls don't need to pray these days and.....well.....PRAY BOY!!

That led to some emails, "in jest", back and forth.

The discussion reminded me of 20 years ago, when I was on the State Youth Rep. Committee and there was just Donna, myself, and 13 guys. I must say the guys did a great job at not making us feel excluded. We were left out of a few "sports" things but were invited if we wanted to join.

Those days there were not many "women in ministry" in our state. Fast forward to 2008. I reside in a section where there are 2 women Sr. Pastors, and (I think) 6 women credential holders or staff pastors. We, have come a long way. Jeannie Mayo blazed a trail for all of us. She is a legondary woman youth pastor, was the first woman to speak at General Council, and has done all kinds of things for women in ministry. We have women all over the country who are pastoring, staff pastoring, speaking and ministering to many.

I myself have a Sr. Pastor (who happens to be my Presbyter) who has supported me and had me fill his pulpit on occassion. Even the time I told him that it was Mother's Day...... "let a woman talk about being a mother."

I married a man that was not to sure about woman in ministry and today, we travel all over this country and minister together. I preach, sing, play the piano, and minister around the altars alone and with my husband. The bible does say that "two are better than one." I went to CBC back in the early 80's, and I still think about the women that were there to "be a pastor's wife." I also knew women that, like myself, felt God's call on their lives to be a minister. I am a pastor's wife but I feel that my calling is just as important as my husband's call.

It's 2008 and the A/G boys club could use a female touch. Has the Assemblies of God moved forward in our thinking regarding Women and Ministry? Yes, but I think we need to do some more work. We have reached a level that we should stop talking about men and women and talk about People Called To Minister.

I would love to hear the toughts of others reading this blog. Sometimes we sweep these issues under the rug and a good healthy discussion with action would be great.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Musical Heritage

Yesterday I read an article about the History of Congregational Song in the Assemblies of God.
The article caught my eye because I collect Hymnals and I saw 4 of them I do not have.
Growing up A/G, I remember singing all of those hymns that had the "Pentecostal holds" (whole notes that were not written in the music), high notes that were so high yet people sang them anyhow. Of course the songs that had so many verses that I wondered how long the song could last.
As an adult, I find myself sitting at the piano playing those very songs that now bring comfort to my soul. Don't get me wrong, I am a musician and love the new songs and worship materials that come out. They challenge my musical abilities and spiritually speak to times of great worship.
I reading the article, I thought about the fact that our children are loosing a part of their heritage when they are not exposed to "the Hymns".
Does you church sing the hymns? Chords and tempos can be updated and the old hymn can sound very much like a hot new worship song.
Read the words to those hymns and try to make them relevant to today's language.
We need to be "Anchored in the Rock, Showered with Blessings, having Just A Closer Walk, because we Know Our Redeemer Lives, until someday when we Fly Away."

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A New Tour of Duty

Last night I had a dream about 2 friends. My (and Allen's) friends are moving to Springfield, MO. soon to assume a new position and challenge in their ministry.
My dream involved many years of memories. My dream involved sitting in front of them in Chapel at CBC, to ministry with them when I was a Youth Pastor. Then our wedding (their daughter was our flower girl), visits to their house when I was single. Even when I was told that Allen was the man for me before I knew he was "the man". Finally, our trip to Springfield just a few months after we were married. I have no idea why I had this dream!!!
For the past 4 years our friends have been our ODC pastors. Now, they are leaving once again.
I woke up before my dream ended. I guess God knows the ending.
It is a New Tour of Duty for them in Springfield and I have some thoughts about that.
God wants to fit us perfectly in His plan, if we allow Him to do so.
Ephesians 2:10 tells us that God had already prepared, before the creation of the world, the "good works" that He wants us to do. He doesn't have to look around to see if He can find a job to fit our qualifications. All has been prepared for us.......we just have to walk worthy in His call.
I know that there are questions in all of our lives about God's plan but I do know that every step taken is the foundation to reach His ultimate plan for us. I think to all who know you can see that you have walked worthy and that God is revealing the next step in His plan.
Thank you Doug and Gail for your service to the Ohio District but most of all for your love and friendship all these years. We will miss you, eat some Cashew Chicken and great Mexican food for us!
And for simply selfish reasons.........We need you to stay in Springfield for at least 10 years so you can keep an eye on Brittney when she hits some A/G Campus in about 6 years. She could use a 2nd set of parents then!!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Friend and Marriage Partner

We have friends that are experiencing some marriage issues. After 15 years together, it has become difficult for them to be together.

Marriage is certainly a work in process. I liken it very much to my relationship with the Lord. Who knows me better and loves me more in the way my husband does?

It is so easy to let "life" become a stumbling block to a healthy marriage. It is so easy to find myself justified in my own thoughts and views of marriage.

We really need to remind ourselves daily that it takes TWO with a central strand of ONE, to make the ties bind and not become disconnected.

Thank you Allen for being my husband and best friend. You are God's gift to me and I never want to take that for granted even though I do not let you know you are God's gift often enough. Thank you for being a part of the thing called our marriage......the work in progress. I pray that we can continue to love and like even when it's difficult.

I love you!

Monday, March 24, 2008

I'm tired......It's Monday!

Last night I had one of those nights that I tossed and turned until I gave up at 1AM and came down to the office to work.
I did get our tax info. completed and then watched TV until 4:30AM. Then I could not take it anymore and told the Lord to PLEASE help me fall asleep.
Up at 6:30AM, I got my shower and got everyone else up to get ready for us to go to Baseball Camp at Super Joe's to watch Matthew and his buddies. Followed by a trip to our Youth Pastor's home so that his wife could help my headache. She is a Massotherapist. Picked up at 1PM to make it to Mayfield by 1:30 for Orthodontist visits.
Matthew got his expander today and Brittney got some of her brackets off. Talk about times that are overwhelming to mom. I watched as my brave son shook his leg in pain and held a stiff upper lip (no pun intended) until they were done putting that thing in. Now he talks just like he is 2 years old again. That will go away in a few days but OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!
We finally pulled into the driveway at 5:05PM and I got dinner in the oven, came to check my email and blog.
It's been a LONG day.
I told the Doctor that I was not sure that Mom's should watch their little sons have any medical thing done.
Dr. Wegner told me just hang on because it gets worse! Thanks for the encouragement. He told me the story of when he and his wife had to leave their oldest son at Notre Dame.
I am so glad that Jesus is always there to hold my children's hand when I cannot.
Now, it's time to eat dinner and watch Dancing with the Stars.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


It's almost here!!! Easter Sunday!!!!
Today I thought about the grief Mary (Jesus Mother) must have been feeling today. Did she know that her Son was very near? Did she stay at home and talked with no one? Did she take a walk on the streets and talk with friends?
There are a million other questions that could be asked of the mother who lost her son on Friday.
I am sure that she must have had to process all that she saw happen in the week proceeding her son's death.
Was she ready for all that she would experience on the 3rd day?
How are you preparing for Easter Sunday? Many are running all around town looking for the perfect outfit, preparing for the big Easter Sunday meal, or maybe making phone calls to friends.
In today's world I find that we spend no time preparing for Sunday and treat it just like any other day. The word tells us that we are to prepare our hearts.
What are you doing today to prepare your hearts? Are you spending some time in the word or in song? Are you spending your time yelling at your wife, husband or kids? Are you running around until you are exhausted and fall in bed?
May sure that you are preparing your heart for Resurrection Sunday.
As you celebrate this wonderful day, take time to reflect and thank the Father who came to this earth so that we could have life.

Friday, March 21, 2008

What's Good about Good Friday?

I have heard more people remark about Good Friday this year than ever before. Conversations about the fact that "Good Friday" was always an automatic holiday at work and there were no stores open on Easter Sunday. These days it seems that we loose more respect for the very basis in which our country was built on.
I still find it amusing that the two "holidays" that are most important on the calendar revolve around the Savior that came to save this world. Does it not seems like everything around us is shifting? I pray daily that my children find their hope and strength in the Rock that will not change.

I love the words of this old hymn.

“My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

“When darkness veils his lovely face, I rest on His unchanging grace. In every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.”

“His oath, His covenant, His blood – support me in the whelming flood. When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay.”

On Christ the solid rock I stand – all other ground is sinking sand; all other ground is sinking sand.”

What is good about Good Friday? It is the Rock that shed His blood so that you and I have a hope that lasts when everything else is shifting. Just think.......One man....was brutally abused.......nailed on a cross......just so that YOU can live and have eternal life.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

AH.....Spring Break!

Yes, it's spring break in Northeast Ohio. We have 2 brand new inches of snow on the ground and IT'S COLD!!!!!
This morning I decided to stay in bed for an extra hour because the little people were asleep. About 8AM I heard them talking and laughing. Could it be?? A day that they were not going to fight? We made it the first 2 hours before I heard any yelling. The peace of the day was done.
Then we headed to the store to do "Easter" things. The easter dress has been found for Brittney and I found a shirt for Matthew's suit (not the one I wanted).
I look forward to spending the week with the kids. We are going to clean the basement. The playroom down there is the ultimate disaster. You would think that it is a 2x2 room because there is so much junk.
We have baseball Camp on Monday and Tuesday, it's always a sign of spring when the sound of the baseball bat is swinging and hitting.
I wonder if it cold in Florida today? Happy Spring Break!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Clutter and other Winter Frustrations

Have you ever missed a deadline and just felt out of sorts and frustrated because of it? That's how I feel today.
I tend to be the Type A personality and live by the calendar and organization or I miss things and then I feel like I do today.
For the past 6-8 months, I feel like my life has been out of control and that I cannot keep up with the things that I need to get done. Here's just a sample of what I have missed:
Cards to friends and people at church.
Cleaning and organizing my office.
Keeping my house clean the way I like it.
My closets are a mess.
I need to excercise.
More time with the Lord.
Cleaning up the kids clothes that are toooooo small. (Yes, Matthew has clothes in his drawer from when he was 3)
Lunch with Patty.
I missed my father-in-law's birthday.
My list could go on but I think you see the point.
Today, I continue to work on taxes and find that a source of frustration.
As I was thinking about all these things today, I heard that small voice speak PEACE to my soul. I am taking the time to spend time with the Lord and find His peace in the midst of my tornado.
Lord, help me today to focus on You and not my lists and calendar.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Family, Weddings and other Priceless Moments

Here I am again. I know....I promised to write everyday but we were in Toronto (Canada) for a wedding.
This past weekend my youngest cousin, on mom's side, got married. Now, we are more like brother and sister than cousins so it was a little emotional for me.
Most of our family are Hindus'. Although it was a different ceremony for my children to experience, it was a very colorful event with great food. IT REALLY ROCKED!!!I have posted some pictures or you.
As I watched the ceremony and then the next day a truly great reception, I was reminded of the bond that family has and what a rich heritage my children are a part of.
My parents, along with my cousins' parents, came to the US and Canada in the late 60's to begin their lives over again. They worked hard and instilled in all of us the sense of strong family ties.
We were raised as brothers and sisters not cousins. Now we are all married and have families of our own. We have talked about the importance of raising our children to have the same "closeness" and values that we were raised with.
We have determined in our minds to call, email and visit one another a little better than we have in the past. We owe it to our children to creat an atmosephere for those "priceless moments" that our parents created for us.
I see it as a generational blessing that God has given to our family.
On the less serious side, the party was a great blast and my knees and ankles are tired from dancing with family. But what great fun it was! Did I mention that the food was great?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

It's Time

It's time now. After reading blogs from friends and family, I decided that it was time to share my thoughts with the world.
I'm not sure who is reading but I'm going to give it a try.
I have been thinking about being called a Friend of God.
What is friendship? I have always considered myself a great friend but would the Father consider me a great friend?
Friendship requires a few important things:
1. Communication
2. Interest
3. Love
4. Support
5. Laughter
6. Loyality
7. You put your thoughts here.
Those are just a few of the ingredients required for friendship in my mind.
Are you daily communicating with the Father and treating Him as He is your best friend?
I always want to be considered as His friend!