Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring and things that bloom

Don't you love spring? Things are starting to bloom. There are buds on the trees and the flowers are starting to pop their heads from the ground.
Yes, spring has sprung and so have my children. It was yet another Monday morning disaster avoided....for now.
Who knew that feet could grow a whole size and a half? Brittney not only did not have any shorts to wear today but she had no spring/summer shoes that fit. Why does this girl have size 61/2 feet? So, to avoid the impending gloom that was going to happen, I helped her find something to wear until I could go to the store today and spend some of dad's hard earned cash.
I breathed a sigh of relief when we found an outfit to wear only to hear....."Mom, none of my shorts fit." Was that Matthew's voice I hear? Oh yes! one more child in our home that had nothing to wear to school today.
Why must these children bloom like the flowers? I am thrilled that they are not going to be 3 feet tall for the rest of their lives.
I am really glad to smell spring and am enjoying the sunshine! Now, it's time to shop!

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