Monday, January 26, 2009

His ways are not my ways.......

As I look out the window of my office, I look at a very beautiful setting of glistening snow on the ground and just enough snow to dust the trees and make them sparkle.
We live in a quiet development where people mind their own business and wave every time we pass someone in the street.
Last night we returned home to the news of one of our neighbors had been killed in a tragic accident while promoting a Monster Truck show in Wisconsin.
George Eisenhart was a good man. He was a supportive man in his community and neighborhood. You would see him from time to time at different events quietly supporting his wife and girls.
I cannot begin to imagine what Donna and the girls are feeling today. I am sure that when she begins to work all this out in her mind in the coming weeks and months, the question of WHY? will be asked many times.
I do know that the bible tells us that "His ways are not mine...." How do I figure out how God thinks? Why is He not on my schedule? Why does He allow 2 little girls to grow up without their dad? It's all overwhelming if you think about it.
I also know that when I don't understand His ways the most, I must remind myself that HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT!!
What? That the answer? !! When I reach the point that I understand that God is ALL I need, I finally understand that He fills my life with His grace. He gives strength to me and fills me up like no one else can.
I am praying for Donna and the girls today that God's grace will get them through this time.

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