Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's the first day of school!!

I was a mess today.
Brittney started Middle School. I knew she would be great but I sure had a hard time.
You know, you birth these kids and it comes as a surprise when they begin to grow up??!?!
How crazy is that? Then Matthew had to become a 3rd grader and acts like he does not know
me when he is around his friends. I'm not a bad looking girl.........I wonder if I stink?
Well, I made it through the day and picked up Brittney and the first thing she yells to me is:
She said that walking in the halls and introducing herself to everyone was a lot of fun.
I guess she is going to be just fine!!!

1 comment:

tamlovesran said...


I just joined the Assembly of God blog ring and found your blog through it.
The kids grow up too fast don't they! I have a 15 year old and a 3 year old myself. Your daughter sounds like an outgoing girl. I was so shy an insecure at that age. Glad it was a good day for the kids.
I see that you facebook too. I love it! I'm going to send you a friend request because we can never have too many friends.
