Monday, April 13, 2009


Some people dream of success... while others wake up and work hard at it. ~AuthorUnknown

I have a lot of dreams, and goals that I think would be awesome to accomplish! I have challenges in my life that I would really like to be able to overcome, and slowly I am learning how to overcome these challenges and accomplish these goals. The most important component of achieving ones goals though is deciding to work at them instead of just standing around dreaming of them. Often the only thing that separates a successful person from a failure is that the successful person simply chose to would work on achieving their goals. It is so easy to simply become an observer in life rather than become an active participant who changes things they see as unfit. If you want to overcome the challenges you face in life, the first step is to decide to work at it!
Are you a dreamer or a sitter? Do you watch or run? Do you encourage or discourage? Are you a dream builder or dream killer?
It's never to late to begin......the choice is yours! God does not forget your dreams!!!
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord in the Lord with all your heart.....and He will give you the desires of your heart."


Kelly said...

Hi Deb!
I have a blog as well. Just click on my name and you will go to it! I enjoy reading blogs much more than facebook!

Deb Seenarine Wilson said...

Thanks Kelly.
Hope you enjoy the Blogs!!