Oh my goodness.....are there really people who have daughters (that they created) like this?
Now, I will be the first to admit that we spoil our daughter and there have been times that I have wondered if we have gone overboard.
This show is about girls and their Sweet 16 blow-out parties. They stomp, swear, rage, pout, whine,.....you name it.........they do it.....so that their parents will give them the party of their dreams. I had that party when I got married....what do they have to look forward to?
I had never seen this show before until today and I have been in awe of the stupidity of parents.
This one family spent $ 89K on the party alone. That was not counting the gift of a car. I don't know what the dad did for a living but their house was not really that big. You have to wonder if they went into debt for this party.
Now, I like nice things.....I enjoy many designer things......I love the smell of Sax Fifth Avenue and Nordstroms. And......we all know that I LOVE SHOES. Alright...........I am shallow but I do always buy on sale and do not run up credit cards.
I think we are a society of "overboard" thinking and that is why our economy is in the trouble that it is.
I grew up in nice homes that had one bathroom and my parents made sure that we had nice things and some really nice things. We managed to survive. My children live in a home with 4 bedrooms, rooms we only use when we have company, and 2 1/2 baths and we think we need more room.
If you can afford a over the top party......why not?.....but you have to ask yourself about these girls stomping their feet to get what they want. Who is going to marry this child and what is she going to be like when she is adult? I hope that she marries money because it will be a very hard adjustment on her part.
Enough of my ranting.....what are your thoughts. The show is on Style Network.....watch it sometime.
1 comment:
Oh Deb, I did see it once. I will never go back. All I could think is, "The minute my child acted like that to get something... there would be NO party!"
I think we can be a excessive. Every generation wants the next to have what it did not. I believe we can give without making a brat in the process. Something earned always feels better. I always make sure my girls know that what they receive has been earned. It has been earned through chores, good behaviors, grades, etc... I leave the purest form of spoiling to the grandparents!
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