Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Clutter and other Winter Frustrations

Have you ever missed a deadline and just felt out of sorts and frustrated because of it? That's how I feel today.
I tend to be the Type A personality and live by the calendar and organization or I miss things and then I feel like I do today.
For the past 6-8 months, I feel like my life has been out of control and that I cannot keep up with the things that I need to get done. Here's just a sample of what I have missed:
Cards to friends and people at church.
Cleaning and organizing my office.
Keeping my house clean the way I like it.
My closets are a mess.
I need to excercise.
More time with the Lord.
Cleaning up the kids clothes that are toooooo small. (Yes, Matthew has clothes in his drawer from when he was 3)
Lunch with Patty.
I missed my father-in-law's birthday.
My list could go on but I think you see the point.
Today, I continue to work on taxes and find that a source of frustration.
As I was thinking about all these things today, I heard that small voice speak PEACE to my soul. I am taking the time to spend time with the Lord and find His peace in the midst of my tornado.
Lord, help me today to focus on You and not my lists and calendar.

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