Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shout to the Lord

Darlene Zscsech tells this story in her book: ExtravagantWorship.
Some years ago, Darlene went to England with her pastor to minister in music. At that time the world did not know the name of Darlene Zscsech. After that service, the host pastor told Darlene's pastor that she did not have a good voice and really should consider not doing anything in worship or music.
Fast forward to April 10,2008, Fox Network, Idol Gives Back and then again the next night.
A group of 8 American Idol Finalists sing the very song that made Darlene a household church name.
Now, millions of people around of world who did not know of her music have had an opportunity to experience the beautiful words that God gave Darlene.
The word tells us that He will honor the humble and give you the desires of your heart. I love it......God has the plans for our lives.....He moves kings in and out of places........only HE can take a Darlene Zscsech and make her a household name. Only He can make His name known on a program that reaches 55 million people on a given night.
I serve a God of the impossible!!!!!! If you did not see it...here is the link: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=uyj1FAQdPzg

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