Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Times are changin'

The church world is changing. I think I have reached the point of my walk with the Lord where I am one of the "old" thinkers and struggle at times with forward thinking.
Our district superintendent said a few years ago that we should question everything we do (Church speaking) but never change the message.
I see the struggle today that people have over sanctuaries turned into multi-purpose rooms, to wear a suit and dress up on Sunday or to wear your shorts. We struggle over singing, standing, length of service, and a host of other problems.
I do know that if we are going to reach the world today for Christ that we need to take a look at not being stuck in our ways. Are people getting saved? Are we ministering to the individual and the family? Are we reaching a lost community? These are the questions that we should be looking at.
Remember the people that Jesus hung out with? They were not the "religious" people of the day.
I bet Jesus would have gone where the people are and not try and conform them to our world.
If you have been around the church world for a long time like I have, you probably have struggled with some of the changes in the church world.
To have pews or not to have pews does not really matter, try and put those ideas aside and look for the lost who need to see a "REAL" Jesus in you!

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