Monday, September 22, 2008

Football, fall, and fanatics

It's football season around our house. Our son plays for the 8 & 9 year old team and our daughter cheers for the 11 & 12 year olds. It is also parade season for baton.
Now, I don't know about your town but this town is serious about their football. They don't take it lightly and the season can be very demanding.
In August, we had practice 5 nights a week until school started. When school started, the boys moved to 2 practices a week and a game day. Our cheerleaders practice 2 nights a week (not necessarily on the same night) and have a game at a different time than our son's game.
Allen and I both coach. We have Baton practice on Thursday nights before football.
If all that is not enough, you add our church activities into that mix.
This weekend was a good one.......Friday night was Brittney's first Middle School dance. It was fun watching the kids just have a very time. Saturday, we started our day at 7AM with Baton and came home again just 12 short hours later. Sunday, it was church 9AM, home for about hour and a half, then a game. We got home again around 7PM.
It's fall inside our house. Why do I say "Fall"? because it seems that everything has fallen on the floor and the place is a mess.
You would think that for as much time as we physically spend in the place that it would be spotless. No way! It's a mess. Today, I try and conquer the first floor. We will see how that goes.
Fanatics........I guess you could say that we are fanatics about our children.
I was thinking about the kids today and how time is flying by. They are both growing up so quickly.
I am trying to enjoy each stage of life and growing that they are both in. I asking the Lord to give Allen and I the wisdom to enjoy them and their lives without forgetting that we were a couple long before Brittney and Matthew came into our lives.
How's your spouse today? Do you treat them like they are a priority in your life? Do you remember that your children find security in a peaceful and happy home? Do you remember that your children want you to enjoy each other?
So many people today are having issues in their marriages...take time today before it's to late to make sure that your home is in order and you are fanatics about your marriage.
Remember to always.........Love, Honor, and Cherish!!

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