I was watching the news today and saw a report about an abduction in a town just a few miles from here.
We live in a really great and typical "middle class" American town. We have been hearing as of late about a man driving around and approaching children.
Does it seem like when we were kids that you almost never heard about stuff like that happening or it only happened in big cities.
I miss the days when we would go out side to play in the morning and not come back home until 5ish when it was dinner time. I would never think about sending my kids out like that now.
Our children grow up in a much more protected world than we did.
I miss those days!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
My favorite thing in the whole world!

Today is a day of spending important money to keep our home in order.
I must confess.....in these times when everyone is cutting their spending and looking for ways to save money.......I continue to be addicted to Clorox Wipes.
Yes, I know..........what did I do before they put those things on the shelves? I used cheap paper towels like everyone else and made my own spray stuff to clean.
Today, I spent $ 9.98 on 3 canisters for each of my bathrooms. I have taught Matthew to use them if necessary (I won't go into the rest of that) and I clean those toilets and sinks everyday (if possible) so we are germ free. That's what the package tells me!
I have a travel pack in my purse, one in the van, and make my kids put a package in the desks at school. Now, I don't know if they use it but it makes me feel better.
Nuts! you say! Yes, I admit it....I love the stuff.
I have thought about taking out stock in the company because these things are so great.
I have tried the Target brand and other off brands but they just are not the same and I don't feel like they are cleaning anything. You should try them sometime!!!
I must confess.....in these times when everyone is cutting their spending and looking for ways to save money.......I continue to be addicted to Clorox Wipes.
Yes, I know..........what did I do before they put those things on the shelves? I used cheap paper towels like everyone else and made my own spray stuff to clean.
Today, I spent $ 9.98 on 3 canisters for each of my bathrooms. I have taught Matthew to use them if necessary (I won't go into the rest of that) and I clean those toilets and sinks everyday (if possible) so we are germ free. That's what the package tells me!
I have a travel pack in my purse, one in the van, and make my kids put a package in the desks at school. Now, I don't know if they use it but it makes me feel better.
Nuts! you say! Yes, I admit it....I love the stuff.
I have thought about taking out stock in the company because these things are so great.
I have tried the Target brand and other off brands but they just are not the same and I don't feel like they are cleaning anything. You should try them sometime!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
What an opportunity

When I was in High School the Grape Jamboree was a big deal in Geneva. We used to have a Band-O-Rama that drew bands and people from all over Ohio.
One of the highlights of the parade and show was the Shaw High School Marching Band. The band was from East Cleveland. They brought their own brand of soul and spirit to our little town.
This morning I saw on the news that Shaw High School Marching Band raised $ 500k to travel to China for the opening ceremonies for of the Olympics. Wow! What an opportunity for that group of students.
I just wanted to take the opportunity to say Congratulations to the Shaw band and their parents for the hard work that they did to reach such and accomplishment.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Ever Been Cold........?
It is day # 3 of football camp and like a true football mom, I sat in the COLD rain and watched. The head football coach at the high school told me that I was being an excellent football mom. But here's the problem.........I'M COLD!! I had a fever 2 days this week and my glands are swollen and I am cold. Enough whining!
On Monday, I heard Tim Russert's son talk about his dad and the importance of parents. He talked about his dad always being there for his practices. He talked about the fact that when he was little that his dad would run home from work when it was time for him to come home from school. Tim would stay for only 30min. many times but dad was there. He said his parents always worked their schedules so that they did not miss a practice or game if at all possible.
How awesome!! I am sure that was not easy for the Russerts in their high powered careers.
Tim's son said that his dad did everything to keep his travel schedule as little as possible so that he was not gone all the time. He talked about that there was not a day that went by when dad made sure that he told his son that he loved him.
I think sometimes fathers think that providing for their children is all they need but listen dads......it's so important for you to TELL your children that you love them.
This week has been special for my husband because he has been able to move around his schedule at work to be part of the coaching staff running the camp.
Do you have children? I would like to challenge you. It is never to late to show up to those practices and games that can be OH SO VERY LONG. Let that laundry go for another day....it will be there believe me.......and take advantage of those moments with your children that only come along once. Before you know it they will be gone and you will have missed the window of time.
On Monday, I heard Tim Russert's son talk about his dad and the importance of parents. He talked about his dad always being there for his practices. He talked about the fact that when he was little that his dad would run home from work when it was time for him to come home from school. Tim would stay for only 30min. many times but dad was there. He said his parents always worked their schedules so that they did not miss a practice or game if at all possible.
How awesome!! I am sure that was not easy for the Russerts in their high powered careers.
Tim's son said that his dad did everything to keep his travel schedule as little as possible so that he was not gone all the time. He talked about that there was not a day that went by when dad made sure that he told his son that he loved him.
I think sometimes fathers think that providing for their children is all they need but listen dads......it's so important for you to TELL your children that you love them.
This week has been special for my husband because he has been able to move around his schedule at work to be part of the coaching staff running the camp.
Do you have children? I would like to challenge you. It is never to late to show up to those practices and games that can be OH SO VERY LONG. Let that laundry go for another day....it will be there believe me.......and take advantage of those moments with your children that only come along once. Before you know it they will be gone and you will have missed the window of time.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
We Are Healed
Today I have been preparing for our concert on Sunday in Bellfountain. I was listening to the song: By His Wounds.
I thought about the fact that Christ sacrificed His very life. His body was beaten, bruised, and bled just so that I can have eternal life.
It also means that By His Wounds, Christ, being the Holy and Spotless sacrifice is there to meet me where I am.
What a thought that someone loved me and you so much that he gave His very life.
"He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our sins. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him. And by His wounds, by His wounds we are healed. We are healed by Your sacrifice, in the life that you gave. He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our sins. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him. And BY HIS WOUNDS WE ARE HEALED."
Need healing today? By His wounds and sacrifice.....be healed !
If you want to hear the song, log on to my face book, scroll down to My Play List and the song is called: By His Wounds . The link is below or on the right of this page.
I thought about the fact that Christ sacrificed His very life. His body was beaten, bruised, and bled just so that I can have eternal life.
It also means that By His Wounds, Christ, being the Holy and Spotless sacrifice is there to meet me where I am.
What a thought that someone loved me and you so much that he gave His very life.
"He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our sins. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him. And by His wounds, by His wounds we are healed. We are healed by Your sacrifice, in the life that you gave. He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our sins. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him. And BY HIS WOUNDS WE ARE HEALED."
Need healing today? By His wounds and sacrifice.....be healed !
If you want to hear the song, log on to my face book, scroll down to My Play List and the song is called: By His Wounds . The link is below or on the right of this page.
Monday, June 16, 2008
It takes discipline!

This morning, bright and early, we headed to Memorial Football Field to start football camp. It really was a beautiful day for the camp. The temperature was only around 70 degrees and the sun was out.
The high school coaches started with the some basic football warm-up drills. It was interesting to watch these 3rd - 6th grade boys do their drills. You could tell the boys who were use to the routine of football and those who were having their troubles learning how to karaoke and do some of the drills. Some of the feet were not really going the right way.
Matthew seems to excel in these sports type events. He does not love the "getting there" or having to get up early to go to practice but really does well once practice has started.
As I watched today, I thought about life and how we all start out laying around, rolling over, crawling, walking and then running.
I thought about the discipline it takes, even at Matthew's age, to play football. These boys (at least in football crazed Chardon) work hard. They practice 5 days a week before the season and do many of the same drills over and over and over and over again. Then if it's still not right, they do it again. Some kids bail out before the reward of a game begins.
Did you know that real friendships and relationships take discipline?
We are a society of fast everything these days. Many kids are being raised in a thought pattern of instant gratification. If they don't get what they want out of a given relationship, they move on easily.
Sometimes friendship takes a little extra work to make them work. Sometimes it requires us to go the extra mile even when we think we have been wronged.
How is your discipline factor today? Do you take the extra time to make the phone call, send the card, share a hug, or say a prayer for those in your life?
I always want to be known as a person who loves people and be called their FRIEND!
The high school coaches started with the some basic football warm-up drills. It was interesting to watch these 3rd - 6th grade boys do their drills. You could tell the boys who were use to the routine of football and those who were having their troubles learning how to karaoke and do some of the drills. Some of the feet were not really going the right way.
Matthew seems to excel in these sports type events. He does not love the "getting there" or having to get up early to go to practice but really does well once practice has started.
As I watched today, I thought about life and how we all start out laying around, rolling over, crawling, walking and then running.
I thought about the discipline it takes, even at Matthew's age, to play football. These boys (at least in football crazed Chardon) work hard. They practice 5 days a week before the season and do many of the same drills over and over and over and over again. Then if it's still not right, they do it again. Some kids bail out before the reward of a game begins.
Did you know that real friendships and relationships take discipline?
We are a society of fast everything these days. Many kids are being raised in a thought pattern of instant gratification. If they don't get what they want out of a given relationship, they move on easily.
Sometimes friendship takes a little extra work to make them work. Sometimes it requires us to go the extra mile even when we think we have been wronged.
How is your discipline factor today? Do you take the extra time to make the phone call, send the card, share a hug, or say a prayer for those in your life?
I always want to be known as a person who loves people and be called their FRIEND!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
For the Love of Dad

Today is Father's Day.
I am actually a little sad today because dad is 3 hours away in another city. Now, I really have no reason to be sad because dad is healthy and lives a full life. I still miss him extra on days like today.
My dad has always been my hero. He has been the perfect "girl" dad. He has done crazy things like letting me paint his nails, give him a facial, or have a water fight in the house.
He has always been available to listen and offer advise. He has said "sorry" when he felt he wronged me. He has gone to bat for me more times than I can count.
Dad is also a pastor. He embodies what a shepherd should be to his flock. I have watched him in good times and bad. He is always understanding and loves people no matter what. He preaches God's word and is a student of the word also.
Many pastor's children struggle and end up hating the ministry. My sister and I have been blessed to see a man preach the word and live what he preaches.
Dad taught me so many things about the ministry and how a pastor and his family should be.
He loves our mother and treats her like she is the queen of the home. He has never said a bad word about her or put her down in front of us. She is his queen.
He has always modeled to us what we should be treated like and how we should have our home.
Now that I have my own daughter, it is so much fun to watch him be Pa Pa. My daughter brings that wonderful smile to dads face when she does crazy things to him like I did.
He bursts with pride for her accomplishments just like she is his own daughter.
The day I was in labor with her, dad was in the waiting room next to my room. Everyone told me that he had a glass up to the plug trying to hear what was going on during those 20 min. of pushing. The moment finally came and he got to see his first grandchild.......I will never forget the look on his face.
There are so many more things I could say about dad.
I will say that I thank God for giving me the father that I have. I have the honor of being his daughter. (the picture is a nervous father on my wedding day)
Happy Father's Day, dad......I love you!
I am actually a little sad today because dad is 3 hours away in another city. Now, I really have no reason to be sad because dad is healthy and lives a full life. I still miss him extra on days like today.
My dad has always been my hero. He has been the perfect "girl" dad. He has done crazy things like letting me paint his nails, give him a facial, or have a water fight in the house.
He has always been available to listen and offer advise. He has said "sorry" when he felt he wronged me. He has gone to bat for me more times than I can count.
Dad is also a pastor. He embodies what a shepherd should be to his flock. I have watched him in good times and bad. He is always understanding and loves people no matter what. He preaches God's word and is a student of the word also.
Many pastor's children struggle and end up hating the ministry. My sister and I have been blessed to see a man preach the word and live what he preaches.
Dad taught me so many things about the ministry and how a pastor and his family should be.
He loves our mother and treats her like she is the queen of the home. He has never said a bad word about her or put her down in front of us. She is his queen.
He has always modeled to us what we should be treated like and how we should have our home.
Now that I have my own daughter, it is so much fun to watch him be Pa Pa. My daughter brings that wonderful smile to dads face when she does crazy things to him like I did.
He bursts with pride for her accomplishments just like she is his own daughter.
The day I was in labor with her, dad was in the waiting room next to my room. Everyone told me that he had a glass up to the plug trying to hear what was going on during those 20 min. of pushing. The moment finally came and he got to see his first grandchild.......I will never forget the look on his face.
There are so many more things I could say about dad.
I will say that I thank God for giving me the father that I have. I have the honor of being his daughter. (the picture is a nervous father on my wedding day)
Happy Father's Day, dad......I love you!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
School is done.....oh yes! It's summertime.
You can drive around any neighborhood and see people out in their yards. They are working, playing or just relaxing.
I am so glad to have my children home. I am one of those moms who really like it when my children are home in the summer. Now, we have already started our daily fight. I still don't understand why these people have so much to argue about.
This week is garage sale week. I will keep you updated on our progress.
Until tomorrow, have a great day and be blessed!
I am so glad to have my children home. I am one of those moms who really like it when my children are home in the summer. Now, we have already started our daily fight. I still don't understand why these people have so much to argue about.
This week is garage sale week. I will keep you updated on our progress.
Until tomorrow, have a great day and be blessed!
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