Do you think God has a sense of humor? I do!
A few weeks ago, I was late getting the kids up and ready for school. I ran around and did not take a shower, I put my hair up in a ponytail, threw on a t-shirt and capri sweats. After dropping the kids off I noticed that our gas gage was really on empty(it is not working to well these days).
So, I head off to the gas station to pump gas.
Now that I am on the school board, I hate going out in public in Chardon. I see people I know and people who I don't know but know me EVERYWHERE!!
I jump out to hide between the van and the pump and realize that....Oh Joy....the card reader is not working. So, I must take my card in the station and pay for the gas.
Now, things were just not going my way because the reader inside was not working and much to my dismay........I see 2 people I know. I would have to be at the Get Go. I think it's the busiest place in Chardon
Finally, I swipe the card and pay. In a hurry, I walked out and left the card with the girl at the desk.
I pumped my gas and realized that not only did I leave the card inside but I was freezing because I live in NE Ohio and it's cold even in June. The date was in May but the weather was like early March.
To be cleaver, I get in the van and drive up to the door of the Get Go. I got out and went in to get my card. Fly back out of the store and YUP......I locked the keys in the van with it running.
I check all my doors with all of those wonderful Chardon residents looking at me.
Now, I must contact Chardon Police to get the door open.
As I go back into the Get Go, the male clerks are laughing at me. Glad I could brighten their day.
I called the police and about 5min. later Chardon's finest show up.
"Hello, Mrs. Wilson. How does this officer know my name?
Now he is working on getting into the van and asks me how things on the school board are going?
Oh JOY!!! Down and out AND famous in Chardon, OH. Sounds like a book title for losers doesn't it?
The door was finally opened and I was on my way.
Life is never dull around the Wilson house. We are a group of goofs and sometimes just have to laugh at things that happen to us.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008

It's Memorial Day weekend. Many people think this is the weekend to kick off summer and have a big party.
I think that we should not fail to remember that this is really a weekend to remember those who have sacrifice their lives for our freedoms.
There is a little girl in my daughter's class that her mother has been Iraq for the past 2 years. Mom has missed many major events over the past 2 years because she made a commitment to fight for what this country was built on.
Jordan counts every day the number of hours until mom comes home.
This memorial day why not take just a little time out of your day and go to one of the memorial day services in your town and give honor to our veterans.
Here is a little history about Memorial Day.
Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those wh
o have died in our nation's service. There are many stories as to its actual beginnings, with over two dozen cities and towns laying claim to being the birthplace of Memorial Day. There is also evidence that organized women's groups in the South were decorating graves before the end of the Civil War: a hymn published in 1867, "Kneel Where Our Loves are Sleeping" by Nella L. Sweet carried the dedication "To The Ladies of the South who are Decorating the Graves of the Confederate Dead" (Source: Duke University's Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920). While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, it's difficult to prove conclusively the origins of the day. It is more likely that it had many separate beginnings; each of those towns and every planned or spontaneous gathering of people to honor the war dead in the 1860's tapped into the general human need to honor our dead, each contributed honorably to the growing movement that culminated in Gen Logan giving his official proclamation in 1868. It is not important who was the very first, what is important is that Memorial Day was established. Memorial Day is not about division. It is about reconciliation; it is about coming together to honor those who gave their all.
I think that we should not fail to remember that this is really a weekend to remember those who have sacrifice their lives for our freedoms.
There is a little girl in my daughter's class that her mother has been Iraq for the past 2 years. Mom has missed many major events over the past 2 years because she made a commitment to fight for what this country was built on.
Jordan counts every day the number of hours until mom comes home.
This memorial day why not take just a little time out of your day and go to one of the memorial day services in your town and give honor to our veterans.
Here is a little history about Memorial Day.
Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those wh

Thursday, May 22, 2008
The Chapman Family

Last night Maria Sue Chapman, adopted and youngest daughter of Mary Beth & Steven Curtis Chapman, was killed in a tragic accident in the family driveway. She was Life Flighted to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital but for only reasons God can explain she went home to Him... not back to Franklin as we all so desperately wanted.
This was a quote from Steven Curtis Chapman's email sent out this morning. I heard about the news on every news cast I watched this morning.
I don't even know these people, I have only met Steven once when he was singing at GL Mall in Mentor and I feel such a loss. It is a tragic story. I cannot imagine how the family feels, much less her brother, who was driving the SUV.
What do we do when the pain of life becomes more than we can handle?
Some people, turn to a bottle to drink away their sorrows, some shop and build debt, some eat, others beat their spouse or children. You can fill in the blank of what you might do.
I am sure that the pain the Chapmans are (and will) experiencing is far more than they feel that they can handle. The one thing they do have is a hope.
How can I say they have a hope? Because their hope is in Christ. He IS the only constant. The world is a very cold and cruel place. My God has not changed. He is my Hiding Place. He is the peace that passes ALL understanding. He is the Solid Rock. He is the God of a bright future. He is the God who is in the midst of the Storm. And He is the God who holds your hand.
Today, I pray that God will give the Chapmans a peace that passes all understanding. The story is still being written in the lives of the Steven Curtis Chapman family. I am sure that God will reveal himself for who He is. The God of HOPE!!!!!
This was a quote from Steven Curtis Chapman's email sent out this morning. I heard about the news on every news cast I watched this morning.
I don't even know these people, I have only met Steven once when he was singing at GL Mall in Mentor and I feel such a loss. It is a tragic story. I cannot imagine how the family feels, much less her brother, who was driving the SUV.
What do we do when the pain of life becomes more than we can handle?
Some people, turn to a bottle to drink away their sorrows, some shop and build debt, some eat, others beat their spouse or children. You can fill in the blank of what you might do.
I am sure that the pain the Chapmans are (and will) experiencing is far more than they feel that they can handle. The one thing they do have is a hope.
How can I say they have a hope? Because their hope is in Christ. He IS the only constant. The world is a very cold and cruel place. My God has not changed. He is my Hiding Place. He is the peace that passes ALL understanding. He is the Solid Rock. He is the God of a bright future. He is the God who is in the midst of the Storm. And He is the God who holds your hand.
Today, I pray that God will give the Chapmans a peace that passes all understanding. The story is still being written in the lives of the Steven Curtis Chapman family. I am sure that God will reveal himself for who He is. The God of HOPE!!!!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
It's Time to Sleep
I have the 2nd part of a sleep study today. I am suppose to sleep from 9:30-5PM. This is going to be a good one. I don't sleep well at night and now I have to sleep during the day.
After I sleep today, Brittney and I will head to the Middle School for Orientation. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.
It's exciting to watch her grow but as she enters Jr. High School, it brings her another year closer to doing more grown up things.
I have to say that have enjoyed every stage of my kids growing up so far.
I think I will give her a few more hugs along the way and be there when she needs me for an ear to listen. Most important, I want to be there to wage war in the heavens for God's perfect will in her life.
Back on the human level, I am proud of the young lady that she is becoming. Brittney has a very tender heart and always looks for the child who is left out.
Yesterday, she told me that she might want to be a missionary.
Whatever she does end up becoming, I know that she will Rock Her World for God!
After I sleep today, Brittney and I will head to the Middle School for Orientation. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing.
It's exciting to watch her grow but as she enters Jr. High School, it brings her another year closer to doing more grown up things.
I have to say that have enjoyed every stage of my kids growing up so far.
I think I will give her a few more hugs along the way and be there when she needs me for an ear to listen. Most important, I want to be there to wage war in the heavens for God's perfect will in her life.
Back on the human level, I am proud of the young lady that she is becoming. Brittney has a very tender heart and always looks for the child who is left out.
Yesterday, she told me that she might want to be a missionary.
Whatever she does end up becoming, I know that she will Rock Her World for God!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Times are changin'
The church world is changing. I think I have reached the point of my walk with the Lord where I am one of the "old" thinkers and struggle at times with forward thinking.
Our district superintendent said a few years ago that we should question everything we do (Church speaking) but never change the message.
I see the struggle today that people have over sanctuaries turned into multi-purpose rooms, to wear a suit and dress up on Sunday or to wear your shorts. We struggle over singing, standing, length of service, and a host of other problems.
I do know that if we are going to reach the world today for Christ that we need to take a look at not being stuck in our ways. Are people getting saved? Are we ministering to the individual and the family? Are we reaching a lost community? These are the questions that we should be looking at.
Remember the people that Jesus hung out with? They were not the "religious" people of the day.
I bet Jesus would have gone where the people are and not try and conform them to our world.
If you have been around the church world for a long time like I have, you probably have struggled with some of the changes in the church world.
To have pews or not to have pews does not really matter, try and put those ideas aside and look for the lost who need to see a "REAL" Jesus in you!
Our district superintendent said a few years ago that we should question everything we do (Church speaking) but never change the message.
I see the struggle today that people have over sanctuaries turned into multi-purpose rooms, to wear a suit and dress up on Sunday or to wear your shorts. We struggle over singing, standing, length of service, and a host of other problems.
I do know that if we are going to reach the world today for Christ that we need to take a look at not being stuck in our ways. Are people getting saved? Are we ministering to the individual and the family? Are we reaching a lost community? These are the questions that we should be looking at.
Remember the people that Jesus hung out with? They were not the "religious" people of the day.
I bet Jesus would have gone where the people are and not try and conform them to our world.
If you have been around the church world for a long time like I have, you probably have struggled with some of the changes in the church world.
To have pews or not to have pews does not really matter, try and put those ideas aside and look for the lost who need to see a "REAL" Jesus in you!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I'm Back
Hello blog world....I am back!
We have been in Columbus all week for our annual Distinct Council for the Assemblies of God.
It was nice to get away, spend time with the Lord, friends, and my parents.
What a hoot!! We laughed together and talked about those nasty gas prices. I am very blessed to have the heritage that I do.
My parents are first generation Pentecostals and they have paved a road for my sister and I to walk in.
On Tuesday night, we joined as 9 candidates were ordained into the ministry. It was very moving to watch a couple that I had known the wife since she was a young girl. There was another couple that the wife was ordained after ministering with her husband for years.
What a blessing to watch as God's call on their lives were affirmed in such a profound way.
On Wednesday, the Ohio Distinct voted it's very first woman presbyter. Now, I am not much of a women's lib type girl but it was a really great moment.
I have known Donna for years, served with her as we were the only women on the youth rep. committee and spent time with her talking about the ministry when we were both young ministers.
I think it is a wonderful thing that she will bring a different insight to the presbyters and their meetings.
I want to offer my prayers to you Donna as you minister in a new capacity in the Ohio District.
We have come a long way in the Ohio District!
We have been in Columbus all week for our annual Distinct Council for the Assemblies of God.
It was nice to get away, spend time with the Lord, friends, and my parents.
What a hoot!! We laughed together and talked about those nasty gas prices. I am very blessed to have the heritage that I do.
My parents are first generation Pentecostals and they have paved a road for my sister and I to walk in.
On Tuesday night, we joined as 9 candidates were ordained into the ministry. It was very moving to watch a couple that I had known the wife since she was a young girl. There was another couple that the wife was ordained after ministering with her husband for years.
What a blessing to watch as God's call on their lives were affirmed in such a profound way.
On Wednesday, the Ohio Distinct voted it's very first woman presbyter. Now, I am not much of a women's lib type girl but it was a really great moment.
I have known Donna for years, served with her as we were the only women on the youth rep. committee and spent time with her talking about the ministry when we were both young ministers.
I think it is a wonderful thing that she will bring a different insight to the presbyters and their meetings.
I want to offer my prayers to you Donna as you minister in a new capacity in the Ohio District.
We have come a long way in the Ohio District!
Friday, May 9, 2008
It's about Mom

It's Friday and I have been living at my children's school. This schedule has been overwhelming. I have thought about updating my Twitter and decided that if I "twittered" it would most likely block me out because I have had so much going on.
I do want to not forget to wish all of you moms a Very Happy Mother's Day.
Here is my final installment on my mom.
1. Mom is a woman who displays God's abiding love.
2. Mom is a prayer worrier.
3. Mom LOVES my dad.
4. Mom is beautiful.
5. Mom is kind.
6. Mom is loyal.
7. Mom is funny......I love it when she gets tickled and laughs!
8. Mom is real.
9. Mom is a great cook.
10. Mom is a hard worker.
11. Mom is dependable.
12. Mom is very clean.....she keeps a great house.
13. Mom is a wonderful decorator.
14. Mom loves her children and grandchildren.
15. Mom does not differentiate between her children and son-in-laws.
16. Mom is a creative person.
17. Mom is an exemplary Pastor's wife.
18. Mom loves people.
19. Mom is a giver.
20. Mom is my friend.
These are just the first 20 things that come to mind about my mom. I could go on but I think I have made the point.
Happy Mother's Day Mom!!!
I do want to not forget to wish all of you moms a Very Happy Mother's Day.
Here is my final installment on my mom.
1. Mom is a woman who displays God's abiding love.
2. Mom is a prayer worrier.
3. Mom LOVES my dad.
4. Mom is beautiful.
5. Mom is kind.
6. Mom is loyal.
7. Mom is funny......I love it when she gets tickled and laughs!
8. Mom is real.
9. Mom is a great cook.
10. Mom is a hard worker.
11. Mom is dependable.
12. Mom is very clean.....she keeps a great house.
13. Mom is a wonderful decorator.
14. Mom loves her children and grandchildren.
15. Mom does not differentiate between her children and son-in-laws.
16. Mom is a creative person.
17. Mom is an exemplary Pastor's wife.
18. Mom loves people.
19. Mom is a giver.
20. Mom is my friend.
These are just the first 20 things that come to mind about my mom. I could go on but I think I have made the point.
Happy Mother's Day Mom!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The Busy Mom
This week has and is a week of meetings, lunches, dinners, and just plain being busy.
It's National Teacher Appreciation Week and since I am the Hospitality Chair for Park Elementary school, my committee and I are very busy at school everyday this week. As if that was not enough, I have some pressing things with an upcoming School Board meeting and I am also speaking at a Women's Conference on Saturday. Did I mention that all of that does not include my children's schedules?
We had the All Chardon Schools 5th grade Skate on Tuesday, church tonight, Brittney and Matthew's Spring Concert and Grandparents day on Thursday. 2 Baseball games this week.
Finally, we must find time to eat and sleep.
Is your week like my week?
It seems that, if you have kids in today's world, you are going to be busy. I admire those who have full-time jobs and keep up the same schedule that I do.
I just want to make sure and remind you to take some time for the Lord in your day and a minute for yourself also.
Yesterday, after I got done feeding the teachers lunch, I took a minute to lay down on the couch in the teacher's lounge. It was great to close my eyes for 5min. and rest.
It's National Teacher Appreciation Week and since I am the Hospitality Chair for Park Elementary school, my committee and I are very busy at school everyday this week. As if that was not enough, I have some pressing things with an upcoming School Board meeting and I am also speaking at a Women's Conference on Saturday. Did I mention that all of that does not include my children's schedules?
We had the All Chardon Schools 5th grade Skate on Tuesday, church tonight, Brittney and Matthew's Spring Concert and Grandparents day on Thursday. 2 Baseball games this week.
Finally, we must find time to eat and sleep.
Is your week like my week?
It seems that, if you have kids in today's world, you are going to be busy. I admire those who have full-time jobs and keep up the same schedule that I do.
I just want to make sure and remind you to take some time for the Lord in your day and a minute for yourself also.
Yesterday, after I got done feeding the teachers lunch, I took a minute to lay down on the couch in the teacher's lounge. It was great to close my eyes for 5min. and rest.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Sometimes I'm a Dope
Do you think God has a sense of humor? I do!
A few weeks ago, I was late getting the kids up and ready for school. I ran around and did not take a shower, I put my hair up in a ponytail, threw on a t-shirt and capri sweats. After dropping the kids off I noticed that our gas gage was really on empty(it is not working to well these days).
So, I head off to the gas station to pump gas.
Now that I am on the school board, I hate going out in public in Chardon. I see people I know and people who I don't know but know me EVERYWHERE!!
I jump out to hide between the van and the pump and realize that....Oh Joy....the card reader is not working. So, I must take my card in the station and pay for the gas.
Now, things were just not going my way because the reader inside was not working and much to my dismay........I see 2 people I know. I would have to be at the Get Go. I think it's the busiest place in Chardon
Finally, I swipe the card and pay. In a hurry, I walked out and left the card with the girl at the desk.
I pumped my gas and realized that not only did I leave the card inside but I was freezing because I live in NE Ohio and it's cold even in June. The date was in May but the weather was like early March.
To be cleaver, I get in the van and drive up to the door of the Get Go. I got out and went in to get my card. Fly back out of the store and YUP......I locked the keys in the van with it running.
I check all my doors with all of those wonderful Chardon residents looking at me.
Now, I must contact Chardon Police to get the door open.
As I go back into the Get Go, the male clerks are laughing at me. Glad I could brighten their day.
I called the police and about 5min. later Chardon's finest show up.
"Hello, Mrs. Wilson. How does this officer know my name?
Now he is working on getting into the van and asks me how things on the school board are going?
Oh JOY!!! Down and out AND famous in Chardon, OH. Sounds like a book title for losers doesn't it?
The door was finally opened and I was on my way.
Life is never dull around the Wilson house. We are a group of goofs and sometimes just have to laugh at things that happen to us.
A few weeks ago, I was late getting the kids up and ready for school. I ran around and did not take a shower, I put my hair up in a ponytail, threw on a t-shirt and capri sweats. After dropping the kids off I noticed that our gas gage was really on empty(it is not working to well these days).
So, I head off to the gas station to pump gas.
Now that I am on the school board, I hate going out in public in Chardon. I see people I know and people who I don't know but know me EVERYWHERE!!
I jump out to hide between the van and the pump and realize that....Oh Joy....the card reader is not working. So, I must take my card in the station and pay for the gas.
Now, things were just not going my way because the reader inside was not working and much to my dismay........I see 2 people I know. I would have to be at the Get Go. I think it's the busiest place in Chardon
Finally, I swipe the card and pay. In a hurry, I walked out and left the card with the girl at the desk.
I pumped my gas and realized that not only did I leave the card inside but I was freezing because I live in NE Ohio and it's cold even in June. The date was in May but the weather was like early March.
To be cleaver, I get in the van and drive up to the door of the Get Go. I got out and went in to get my card. Fly back out of the store and YUP......I locked the keys in the van with it running.
I check all my doors with all of those wonderful Chardon residents looking at me.
Now, I must contact Chardon Police to get the door open.
As I go back into the Get Go, the male clerks are laughing at me. Glad I could brighten their day.
I called the police and about 5min. later Chardon's finest show up.
"Hello, Mrs. Wilson. How does this officer know my name?
Now he is working on getting into the van and asks me how things on the school board are going?
Oh JOY!!! Down and out AND famous in Chardon, OH. Sounds like a book title for losers doesn't it?
The door was finally opened and I was on my way.
Life is never dull around the Wilson house. We are a group of goofs and sometimes just have to laugh at things that happen to us.
The "Woman" in my life - Part 2
Yesterday I told you about mom's childhood.
Today, I want to talk about the example she has given my sister and I about commitment.
As I mentioned, mom left a very comfortable life to be married to a pastor. When she met dad, he said his weeks pay was what she had in spending or play money. Her wedding ring cost $ 27.
I am sure in the material sense of the word she had some adjusting to do.
In 1969, dad felt God calling him to the United States. So, they packed up what they had and me and we moved to Toledo, OH. Now, there were a few bumps along the way. Mom and I did not have a Visa for the US at first, so we had to live in Toronto, Canada with my aunt for a while.
I am not sure I have what it takes to pack up my family and move to another country. I am 3 and a half hours away from my parents and I miss them very much.
Those first few years required discipline and commitment to re-build and make a new life for themselves.
There were many nights, I remember being put in the car late at night from my sleep because dad had to go pick mom up from work because she was working second shift. That way someone was always home with me.
In 1974, I was almost 10 years old and my sister Kimberly came along. Mom and dad had recently purchased their first home in the United States.
In 1975, mom and dad left their jobs to pastor a small church in southern Ohio. Again, it would require sacrifice and commitment.
I have watched mom (and dad) sacrifice my entire life. They have shown commitment even when others would have bailed out.
We live in a society that wants everything and wants it the easy way. Thanks mom for showing me that sometimes, you have to hang on a little longer and be committed to what I have put my hands too. I know the Lord will reward you greatly for the many sacrifices and commitments that you have made and kept in your life.
Today, I want to talk about the example she has given my sister and I about commitment.
As I mentioned, mom left a very comfortable life to be married to a pastor. When she met dad, he said his weeks pay was what she had in spending or play money. Her wedding ring cost $ 27.
I am sure in the material sense of the word she had some adjusting to do.
In 1969, dad felt God calling him to the United States. So, they packed up what they had and me and we moved to Toledo, OH. Now, there were a few bumps along the way. Mom and I did not have a Visa for the US at first, so we had to live in Toronto, Canada with my aunt for a while.
I am not sure I have what it takes to pack up my family and move to another country. I am 3 and a half hours away from my parents and I miss them very much.
Those first few years required discipline and commitment to re-build and make a new life for themselves.
There were many nights, I remember being put in the car late at night from my sleep because dad had to go pick mom up from work because she was working second shift. That way someone was always home with me.
In 1974, I was almost 10 years old and my sister Kimberly came along. Mom and dad had recently purchased their first home in the United States.
In 1975, mom and dad left their jobs to pastor a small church in southern Ohio. Again, it would require sacrifice and commitment.
I have watched mom (and dad) sacrifice my entire life. They have shown commitment even when others would have bailed out.
We live in a society that wants everything and wants it the easy way. Thanks mom for showing me that sometimes, you have to hang on a little longer and be committed to what I have put my hands too. I know the Lord will reward you greatly for the many sacrifices and commitments that you have made and kept in your life.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Tribute to "THE WOMAN" in my life

Mother's Day is quickly approaching and I thought it fitting to blog about Mom for the next few days.
First, I will give some background.
Cynthia Samlalsingh was born on October 1, 1941 to Polly and Samuel in Trinidad W.I. She is the second of 3 children. Wonder if she had the
middle child syndrome?
I am sure that she was a child who loved to play and did well in school. At the age of 10, her mother passed away due to complications during child birth. What devastation! 3 children left without a mother. Before her death, my grandmother would take mom and her sister to the local Nazarene church. That foundation would be an important foundation in a little girls life.
Mom and her sister went to live with their aunt when their father re-married.
They would be raised by a loving aunt who became Mom in every sense of the word.
Let me take time out to say that I have the priviledge of having an aunt who is more like a mother than an aunt. She is the second most important woman in my life. She is an example of strength and gace. She (along with my uncle) raised two sons and now they have 2 daughter-in-laws. I'm so glad they finally have daughters of their own!! Girls ROCK!!! (My aunt is in the yellow. She is pictured with her daughter-in-law and grandson)
Fast forward to years later. Mom gave her heart to the Lord and met dad (whom she did not like at first) and they were married. She went from a life of having everything she needed to the sacrificial life of a Pastor's wife.
Today, I thank you mom for the example of love in the way Christ gives it in our lives.
His loves comes unconditionally. Mom's loves comes to my sister and I.......unconditionally. I am sure there have been times that I have let her down and been less than she desired for me.....yet she loved me unconditionally. Her arms were (are) always open waiting to be my cheerleader, friend, and mother.
Having a daughter entering her teen years, I pray that I can be understanding, loving, and Brittney's biggest cheerleader. I understand a different aspect to being a mother the older my daughter gets.
Tomorrow.......more on "The Woman" in my life.
First, I will give some background.
Cynthia Samlalsingh was born on October 1, 1941 to Polly and Samuel in Trinidad W.I. She is the second of 3 children. Wonder if she had the
I am sure that she was a child who loved to play and did well in school. At the age of 10, her mother passed away due to complications during child birth. What devastation! 3 children left without a mother. Before her death, my grandmother would take mom and her sister to the local Nazarene church. That foundation would be an important foundation in a little girls life.
Mom and her sister went to live with their aunt when their father re-married.
They would be raised by a loving aunt who became Mom in every sense of the word.
Let me take time out to say that I have the priviledge of having an aunt who is more like a mother than an aunt. She is the second most important woman in my life. She is an example of strength and gace. She (along with my uncle) raised two sons and now they have 2 daughter-in-laws. I'm so glad they finally have daughters of their own!! Girls ROCK!!! (My aunt is in the yellow. She is pictured with her daughter-in-law and grandson)
Fast forward to years later. Mom gave her heart to the Lord and met dad (whom she did not like at first) and they were married. She went from a life of having everything she needed to the sacrificial life of a Pastor's wife.
Today, I thank you mom for the example of love in the way Christ gives it in our lives.
His loves comes unconditionally. Mom's loves comes to my sister and I.......unconditionally. I am sure there have been times that I have let her down and been less than she desired for me.....yet she loved me unconditionally. Her arms were (are) always open waiting to be my cheerleader, friend, and mother.
Having a daughter entering her teen years, I pray that I can be understanding, loving, and Brittney's biggest cheerleader. I understand a different aspect to being a mother the older my daughter gets.
Tomorrow.......more on "The Woman" in my life.
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